CCMI presents: Nursing Supplemental Cardio-Pulmonary Training Program (NSCPT)
NSCPT GOAL: “to provide a structured supplemental education program for Nurses to “Bridge the Gap” in the specialized treatment and diagnosis of Cardio-Pulmonary and Post Covid-19 patients”
The Challenge: Higher acuity services are being ordered in Skilled Nursing Facilities including hourly nebulizer treatments with bronchodilators, Trach Care, CPAP, Bi-Pap, Cough Vest, Flutter Valve Therapy and Non-Invasive Ventilators (Trilogy).
Physician Respiratory orders now cover a broad range of routine treatments and related services including oxygen administration, nebulizer treatments, incentive spirometry, detailed Post Covid respiratory assessments including detailed breath sounds, negative inspiratory effort measurements, overnight oximetry, sleep studies and breathing exercises.
Nurses who are responsible for all of these services have never had a focused education program to deal with these new technologies and therapeutics.


The Long-Term Care Environment…
• 25 to 30% of Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) admissions have a primary pulmonary diagnosis with an additional 35 to 40% of SNF admissions having secondary pulmonary and/or cardiac diagnosis
• Up to 60% of hospital re-admissions are due to cardiac or pulmonary issues including Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), COPD and Pneumonia
• It is estimated that 70% of these hospital re-admissions could be prevented with early intervention and diagnosis
• For several years Hospitals have been penalized for frequent Medicare re-admissions and more recently Skilled Nursing Facilities will experience the same exposure from Medicare (SNF-VPB October 2018)
• With the addition of Covid-19 patients who have pre-existing long standing Cardio-Pulmonary conditions need higher levels of care
• Post Covid hospital discharges who may require short term Cardio-Pulmonary rehab will present additional challenges for the nursing staff.
• Nurses lack specific training and related expertise in treating and diagnosing early signs of Respiratory and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and related pulmonary difficulties
• Patient to nurse ratios are higher in SNF
• Time requirements do not allow SNF nurses the ability to focus on the cardiac and pulmonary needs of patients served
• Most nursing facilities do not have the full compliment of diagnostic equipment required to monitor and treat problems
• Pulmonary Re-habilitation, oxygen weaning and Trach decannulation programs are not readily available

The Problem…
The Solution… CCMI Cardio-Pulmonary Education Program

NSCPT Curriculum Components

• Cardio-Pulmonary Anatomy & Physiology
• Circulation and Related Diseases
• Oxygen Administration & Safety
• Pharmacology & Adverse Reactions
• COPD & CHF with Covid Challenges
• Specialized Respiratory Equip
• Invasive Vents (NIV)
• Non-Invasive Vents (NIV)
• Airvo Systems
• Bi-Pap & CPAP
• Sleep Testing
In Conclusion: CCMI Program Benefits
• Provides a focused program of Cardio-Pulmonary education to licensed nursing staff.
• Provides advanced education and training in the use of specialized Respiratory Equipment used in the post-acute facility
• Provides significant improvement in a nurses' knowledge of Cardio-Pulmonary and respiratory procedures provided in the post-acute environment
• Provides a background which will enable nurses to deal with and have a thorough understanding of their patients’ disease
• Provides the nurse an ability to “Bridge the Gap” in skills that are needed to deal with Cardio-Pulmonary challenges presented by their patients.